Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Magical Fruit That Can Kill Cell of Cancer, Yeah !!!

A new hope from nature to fight again Cancers. You have to read this. Ones again a magical nature come to you. Yes, a natural medicine in the fruit form, a Soursop Fruit (Annona muricata). Soursop, Graviola is a fruit from the tree of natural killer cells that magic cancer with 10,000 times more powerful than the chemo therapy.
But why we do not know...
Because one company's research findings about the secretive world this is a rapat2nya, they want to fund research issued a very large, for many years, can come back earlier gains plus abundant with how to make Synthetic Graviola tree as raw material for drugs and medicine sold World outlets. Apprehensive, several people died , tragic, because the malignancy of cancer, while the giant company, maker drugs with a turnover of billions of dollars to close secret wonders of this Graviola tree.