Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sidaguri (Sida Rhombifolia) a Bush Tree with Many Green Healing

Do you know Gout?  Gout is very like rheumatic. This disease has rose because of excess protein in your body. This protein called Purine. Purine is residual protein that cling to our elbow  In my country, Indonesia, there is a plant that can reduce Purine production so it can cure the gout.
The plant that can cure the Gout and Rheumatic called Sidaguri or Sidagori. Sidaguri is a clump of plant with a height of about 0.1 to 2 meters. Grow up and much branched. The leaves are single, arbitrary-shaped oval, elongated with lozenge-shaped or round-obovate Lancet. Jagged edges with the tip that stuck width, length between 1.5 to 4 meters, width 1 to 1.5 cm. What is the chemical contents in this plant ?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bee Pollen An Ancient Treasure

Do you know bee pollen ? Bee pollen is very popular long time ago. Bee pollen usually used as a source of protein for young bee's.  As a source protein they have potentially nutrition for us.
So, what is exactly bee pollen ? Bee Pollen is the seed of a flower blossom, which has been gathered by bees and to which special digestive enzymes and nectar from the bees has been added.  Pollen is the bee’s source of protein, where honey is their source of carbohydrate.
Pollen usually store at the honeycomb cells for feed the young latter.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Healthy Life

What do you know about healthy life ? Every people can describe in every way, but one thing for sure healthy life is happiness. What people seek is happiness life, it can be reach with healthy life. See.. An invention of medical research has been extended human life, but in the other hand a growing medicine factory to produce a lot of medicine to ensure human life still can go on.