Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sidaguri (Sida Rhombifolia) a Bush Tree with Many Green Healing

Do you know Gout?  Gout is very like rheumatic. This disease has rose because of excess protein in your body. This protein called Purine. Purine is residual protein that cling to our elbow  In my country, Indonesia, there is a plant that can reduce Purine production so it can cure the gout.
The plant that can cure the Gout and Rheumatic called Sidaguri or Sidagori. Sidaguri is a clump of plant with a height of about 0.1 to 2 meters. Grow up and much branched. The leaves are single, arbitrary-shaped oval, elongated with lozenge-shaped or round-obovate Lancet. Jagged edges with the tip that stuck width, length between 1.5 to 4 meters, width 1 to 1.5 cm. What is the chemical contents in this plant ?
Chemical Ingredient : This plant is rich with a variety of known chemical content, for example : Alkaloids, Calcium oxalate, tannin, saponin, phenols, amino acids, the oil fly. Phlegmatic substance for expectorant and lubricant. This stuff in the leaves part.
On the Bars, there are Calcium oxalate and tannin. On the roots sweet, fresh, cool. The pharmacology of Chinese and other traditional medicine of this plant is mentioned properties: sweet, spicy and cool.
From the many article and literature in the web, there are a lot of uses of this plant :
  • In external use, the Sidaguri plants used to treat TB, neck glands, scabies, ulcers, swelling due to a broken bone (where the bones have been repaired): leaves washed and finely chopped fresh sidaguri then placed on the affected part. To treat boils, use sidaguri roots washed and mashed then squeezed with salt water, placed on boils and then bandaged. Perform 2 times daily.
  • When experiencing bleeding wounds, use fresh roots sufficiently finely ground and then affixed to the wound. Or use sidaguri 10 leaves, 10 leaves ketepeng China and one tablespoon of betel leaf, crushed and then used to lubricate the ulcers. Make a once a day.
  • When suffering from itchy skin, use adequate fresh Sidaguri leaf is washed and mashed, add coconut oil, stirring until smooth and spread on skin itch. Perform regular basis until healed. To cure a toothache, use 10 grams of root Sidaguri, 10 grams of ginger, crushed and then used to patch a sore tooth. Do it three times a day.
  • If bitten by an insect, use 30 grams of mashed flowers Sidaguri then affixed to the bite wound and bandaged. Perform 2 times daily.
  • On the use of, Sidaguri plants can be used to treat rheumatism. Use 60 grams Sidaguri boiled with water until the remaining 600 cc 300 cc, then filtered drinking water.
  • When a growth disorder, may use 30 grams Sidaguri plants, 30 grams of tuber god leaves boiled with 600 cc water so remains 300 cc, filtered drinking water. Sidaguri can also be used to treat asthma. The trick, take 60 grams and 30 grams of root Sidaguri sugar boiled with water until the remaining 600 cc 300 cc, then filtered drinking water.
  • To cure dysentery colitis, use Sidaguri 30 grams, 30 grams of leaf spoon / ki vein and 30 grams of purslane, boiled with 800 cc to 400 cc left, filtered water is then taken to two times a day. When suffering from stomach ulcer, use 20 grams of root Sidaguri, 10 grams of ginger, boil with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc of filtered water is then drunk.
  • To treat inflammation of the breast gland, use 30 grams of plant Sidaguri, 30 grams pretty boiled with water until the remaining 600 cc 300 cc, filtered, and drink warm water. Treat vomiting blood using 60 grams of plant Sidaguri, 30 grams of grass roots and 100 grams of beef, steamed with enough water until cooked meat and meat eaten, water drunk.
  • When suffering from jaundice, can use 30 grams and 10 grams Sidaguri gardenia roots boiled with water until the remaining 800 cc 400 cc, then filtered drinking water.
  • Eliminate Enterobius vermicularis worms with 15 grams Sidaguri, 15 grams of leaves of bitter melon, a noni fruit, washed and finely chopped then add 200 cc of water and cook a little salt, squeezed and drunk the water. Make a once a day. To treat boils, use the following 30-60 gram of root and stem Sidaguri 30 grams of brown sugar to taste steamed and cooked with water, then drink.
Note: Any use conducted on a regular basis as recommended. For serious illnesses are advised to consult your doctor fixed. (according to article by Prof. HM Hembing Wijayakusuma)

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